"Avita"s human resources policy lies in recognition of the principle that quality services can only be delivered thanks to skilled personnel and provision of comfortable working conditions.
The company focuses on high- skilled personnel development. The process of staff development ranges from enrollment till the very becoming professional. To achieve the objective set the company conducts permanent and sustainable trainings. Both insiders of "Avita" and commissioned trainers deliver training courses. The training courses address such issues as fundamentals of pharmaceutics, pharmaceutics marketing, useful communication and so on.
Aside from cultivating high-- skilled staff, "Avita" pays particular attention to organization of cultural events and promoting efficient use of leisure time of young company employees as well. Sport events organization, arranging excursions to historical and cultural sites, theatre and concert-going by the employees specifically serves for achievement of the purpose above.
Nowadays, not only is "Avita" a work place of the employees, but also it is a friendly staff consolidated under "For the sake of healthy life" slogan. Send CV Vacancies |